Atom Feed Module

What this module does

This module exposes all changes to the openmrs system as an atom feed. When a patient/concept/encounter/obs is created/updated/deleted this is logged and added to the list.

Documentation / How-To

Relies on use of the Event Module and REST Module. The Atomfeed module hooks into events in openmrs via the Event module. The atomfeed module provides links back to the object changed as urls.

current source code

You can access the atom feed servlet using this suffix in your url: /moduleServlet/atomfeed/atomfeed


Or you can optionally supply an asOfDate to limit feed items to only those on or after the given date:


Example atom feed:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<title>OpenMRS Updates</title>
	<link href="http://localhost:8080/openmrs/atomfeed" rel="self" />
	<link href="http://localhost:8080/openmrs/" />
			href="http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/patient/4961c2e4-130e-49d7-82af-2b02e3f38fc2" />
			<name>Admin Admin (admin)</name>
		<summary>Patient -- create</summary>
			href="http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept/dd16c0d9-7abd-497f-9217-6f43fcb00550" />
			<name>Admin Admin (admin)</name>
		<summary>Concept -- update</summary>
		<link href="" />
			<name>Super User (admin)</name>
		<summary>Concept -- update</summary>


Release Notes

TBD after the module release


This module was developer by Ben Wolfe for Andy Kanter. It is used by the MoTech app to be notified of changes