Openmrs 2.0 sdk


The projects aims to create an openmrs sdk to work for openmrs 2.0.This includes modifying multiple modules that are bundled with OpenMRS 2.0 to make them compatible with SDK and it also includes to add support for instant redeployment and debugging.


My Project Plan:




19th May – 27th May: Replacing sqldiff with liquibase changesets in bundled modules. This would be taking this long because we need to verify all the statements to be running perfectly.


28th May – 20th June:  Upgrading omrs run - omrs-run-v 2.0 start with OpenMRS 2.0. This needs to be further expanded based on my findings in my investigation. I will create a wiki once I find something as content ready for wiki.


21st June – 26th June: verifying if modules bundled with OpenMRS 2.0 work properly on SDK and applying fixes.


 28th June – 22nd July:Adding debug mode: omrs-debug and Making further improvements to improve developer experience with openmrs2.0 (this will be community sourced and might not totally fall in this time frame).


23rd July – 10th August:  Investigating jetty: run for Adding hot redeployment for UI classes and resources.


 10th August – 18th August: Buffer Time for Code cleaning and adding the documentation for the module including the video tutorial.

Work done by me:

Referred documents regarding openmrs sdk and downloaded my os version of openmrs sdk 1.0.

I have installed openmrs sdk and made use of omrs-create-module ---for creating a module and omrs-run—for running the module in current directory

 downloaded the openmrs sdk tool code from github  and checked the code.

Referred HTML-518 ticket to know how to migrate SQLScript in sqldiff with liquibase changesets for making html form entry module run on openmrs sdk.