Test Cases

Test Case: Patient dashboard - add new consumed item
1. Go to Consumed items
2. Type desirable consumed item name in "Consumed Item" text field
3. Type quantity of consumed items
4. Save
5. From Patient Dashboard do go to Insurance Claims -> Create claim
Expected result: Added consumed item should be present under provided items under item name section

Test Case: Patient dashboard - add diagnosis
1. Go to Visit Note
2. Select desired diagnosis in "Add presumed or confirmed diagnosis (required)"
3. Save
4. From Patient Dashboard do go to Insurance Claims -> Create claim
Expected result: New diagnoses should be present in Diagnoses section

Test Case: Patient dashboard - Valid Insurance validation
1. Insert valid patient policy number
2. Click Verify
Expected result: New row with information about insurance number, status, expiry, date and money should appear under this section

Test Case: Patient dashboard - Invalid Insurance validation
1. Insert invalid patient policy number
2. Click Verify
Expected result: Information about fail should appear on screen and no new policies should

Test Case: Home screen dashboard -> Add valid policy during registration
1. Go to Register Patient
2. "Insurance Validation" label should be present in column on left side
3. Fill required fields regarding essential patient data (Name, gender, birthrate)
4. Insert valid policy number
5. New row with information about insurance number, status, expiry, date and money should appear
6. After creating patient his insurance number should be inserted into Insurance validation field

Test Case: Home screen dashboard -> Add invalid policy during registration
1. Go to Register Patient
2. "Insurance Validation" label should be present in column on left side
3. Fill required fields regarding essential patient data (Name, gender, birthrate)
4. Insert invalid policy number
5. Information about failed operation should be displayed

Test case: Homescreen Dashboard - Import valid patient
1. Go to Import Patient
2. Insert Patient insurance policy
3. New screen with information about patient is displayed
4. Press save button
Expected result: New patient should be added to database

Test case: Insurance Claims - Add new claim
1. Click "Create claim"
2. Select desired provided items that should be in scope of this claim
3. Fill required fields
4. Add diagnosis
5. Select visit type
6. Click Create
Expected result: New claim should be present in list of claims

Test case: Insurance Claims - Add new bill without claim
1. Click "Create claim"
2. Select desired provided items that should be in scope of this claim
3. Select "Paid in facility" checkbox
4. Fill required fields
5. Add diagnosis
6. Click Create
Expected result: New bill should should be present in Patient Dashboard -> Bills,
but no claims should be created

Test case: Insurance Claims - Update claim
1. In Insurance Claims view click "Update claim" in claim which status is to be updated
2. Claim update request should be sent
3. View should be automatically refreshed
Expected result: Claim changes in external system regarding claim valuation should be reflected
in OpenMRS

Test case: Insurance Claims - view claim details
1. In Insurance Claims view click "Details" in for claim which details should be displayed
Expected result:
- Details about claim regarding claim status, provider of claim and items should be displayed
- The number of displayed details should be different depending on the status of claim,
for "ENTERED" status information about approved quantity or amount should not be displayed

Test case: Admin panel - Add new Consumable Items
1. View Concept Dictionary -> Add new Concept
2. Insert new consumable item name
3. Select ConsumableItems in Class
4. Select N/A in Datatype
5. Click "Add Mapping"
6. Create "Create New Term"
7. Insert claim code
8. As source select ExternalCode
9. Type previously created Code in "Code"
10. Mark isService if a service or item item
11. Enter the price
Expected result: In Patient Dashboard ->Consumable Items newly
created item should be available under Consumed Item section

Link to video:
