Prescribing-Dispensing Use Cases

UserUse CasePhaseComponenttickets/notes
Pharmacyview pending prescriptions for the pharmacy (workload) based on service (location?), prescriber etc…MVPPharmacy page

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

PharmacyFilter the view by patient, status, prescription date, or drugMVPPharmacy Dispensing page

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Pharmacyprint list of pending prescriptions to aid in preparing in advanceMVPPharmacy Dispensing pageTICKET PENDING
PharmacyShow medications ordered together as tied togetherMVPPharmacy Dispensing page

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Medication Orders are grouped by Encounter on the UI

PharmacyIndicate that a prescription was dispensedMVPPharmacy Dispensing page

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

PharmacyCancel a prescription (or maybe remove it from the list?)MVPPharmacy Dispensing page

Need additional information on how to handle one medication in an order being canceled, but not all medications. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


PharmacyEdit formulation of prescription to be filled (will require changing the dosing)MVPPharmacy Dispensing pageDONE
PharmacyEdit quantity of medication dispensedMVPPharmacy Dispensing pageDONE
PharmacyIndicate that a prescription was partially dispensedMVP?Pharmacy Dispensing pagewaiting for response from Pharmacy/SL team
PharmacyFill a prescription based on a refill that is pendingMVP?Pharmacy Dispensing pagewaiting for response from Pharmacy/SL team
PharmacyView history of all dispensing events for each prescriptionMVPPharmacy Dispensing pageDONE
PharmacyAdd optional notes when dispensing medicationsMVPPharmacy Dispensing pageDONE
PharmacyAllow dispenser to indicate who is dispensingMVPPharmacy Dispensing pageDONE
PharmacySend a prescription back to the clinician for review or revisionMVPPharmacy Dispensing page

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


PharmacyAdd a coded reason when sending prescription back to the clinician (out of stock etc…)MVPPharmacy Dispensing pageTICKET PENDING
PharmacyAdd optional notes to the clinician when sending a prescription backMVPPharmacy Dispensing pageTICKET PENDING
Clinicianprint paper prescription for prescriptions to be referred out (maybe not a priority)MVPPharmacy Dispensing pageTICKET PENDING
Pharmacy(discharge or inpatient prescription?) (part of dispensing info, maybe defaulted from prescription)
Pharmacy Dispensing pageInpatient workflow needs to be worked out (probably not MVP)
PharmacyShow urgency of prescription?Pharmacy Dispensing page
PharmacyShow narcotics separately or as being highlighted?Pharmacy Dispensing page
PharmacyShow elapsed time waiting for prescription?Pharmacy Dispensing page
PharmacyDefault pharmacy page as  “home screen” for certain staff??

Pharmacy(send back with a suggested drug/formulation for clinician to approve)?Pharmacy Dispensing page
Clinicianenter medication orders for a single patient including the following fields: drug, drug formulation, dosage instructions (amount, frequency, route, timeframe, quantity to dispense, # of refills)MVPDrug ordering (currently supported)
ClinicianRevise a prescription previously ordered that has not been filledMVPDrug ordering (currently supported)
ClinicianCancel a prescription for a patient that has not been filledMVPDrug ordering (currently supported)
ClinicianView a summary of recent prescriptions and statuses on main patient dashboard (with option to view more details)MVPDashboard Medication Widget
Clinicianview all meds prescribed in consolidated view for a single patient and view which prescriptions have been fulfilled (and what was dispensed) for a single patientMVPClinician Patient Medications page
ClinicianView any prescriptions that have been sent back to the prescriber for review or re-prescribing, along with the reasonMVPBack to Clinician page
Clinicianview reason prescription has been sent back to clinicianMVP"Back to Clinician" view
ClinicianRevise a prescription sent back to clinicianMVP"Back to Clinician" view
ClinicianCancel a prescription sent back to clinicianMVP"Back to Clinician" view
Clinician(show suggested drug/formulation on returned prescriptions and allow clinician to approve or revise)?

Clinicianenter medication order both for meds included in the site drug formulary and not (prescription to refer out) (be careful about this! - may not want to support) 

ClinicianSee if a prescribed drug is stocked out while prescribing (future use case)