Obtaining a Subset of FHIR Resources Filtered by a Specific Set of Codes

Use case 01: User requires to export a subset of OpenMRS Obs where the concepts for said observations are mapped to LOINC codes X, Y or Z

In such a case, the user is 'aware' of which concepts he is looking for, and can directly request them. Therefore, the concept mappings he is interested in can be included directly in the request he makes to obtain said data.

The format of the GET request will be as follows,

To retrieve an observation with a specific LOINC code:
GET [base]/Observation?name=http://loinc.org|23452-3

to retrieve an observation with one of several LOINC codes:
GET [base]/Observation?name=http://loinc.org|23452-3,http://loinc.org|234-5