Release Notes 1.5.4

Release date: Jun 28th 2011

This is the latest stable release of OpenMRS. We recommend all users upgrade to this version. The 1.5.4 database is compatible with all other 1.5.x versions, so rolling back your installation in the case of errors is trivial. Please note that 1.5.x releases are not backwards compatible with 1.4, so you will not be able to roll back the database easily.


Download OpenMRS 1.5.4 from SourceForge

Bundled Modules

These modules are bundled with the 1.5.4 openmrs.war. They will be started automatically and can be removed if they are not wanted.

What's Changed Since The 1.5.3 Release?


NPE when validating a numeric obs



Adding a field in schema designer creates two fields in browser but only one in backend



Adding a new module from within OpenMRS web application reports an error



Itermittent problems with Patient Dashboard


Manual SQL Updates

Database creation and updating is done in the webapp at startup now.
These files are only needed if database creation or database updating needs to be done offline. Otherwise, just install the OpenMRS war (or api jar) and run through the updates automatically.

1.5.4 represents build 18459