2017-04-17 Project Management Meeting



Discussion items

RefApp 2.6Hillary Bagiire & raff
  • Need to check on status
Core 2.1.0Darius Jazayeri
  • Did not release Platform, because FHIR module does not support current changes
    • Added obs.status and obs.interpretation
AddonsDarius Jazayeri
  • raff is migrating modules to BinTray
  • Need to move addons from staging to production
  • Still need to test legacy API (once addons is in production) before we can retire modules.openmrs.org
  • Need to reach out to Harsha & Kaweesi on status
AndelaDaniel Kayiwa
  • Demo tomorrow (need to add to http://om.rs/cal)
  • Starting a new sprint on Wednesday to add search features to Cohort Builder
  • Need a new server for
Scrum of ScrumsDarius Jazayeri

Action items