2016-07-07 Developers Forum

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  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
  • Maintaining and improving dev stages
  • Review next meeting agenda


OpenMRS Dev Forum 2016-07-07
  • Jamie Thomas
  • Srimaurya Kummamuru
  • Daniel Kayiwa
  • Burke Mamlin
  • Wyclif Luymia
  • Ada Yeung
  • Willa
Maintaining and improving dev stages w/ Daniel Kayiwa
  • There isn't a clear path for how people move through Dev Stages
  • Currently seems reactive (somebody needs privileges, so they get advanced)
  • If you see someone demonstrating skills/behaviors worthy of advancing stage, what do you do?
  • What are the goals of Dev Stages?
  • Dev Stages should focus on Dev skills; come up with a different set of Stages for Community Engagement. If folks other badges outside of development or engagement, then other stages may be needed.
  • omrs/null
  • omrs/1
  • omrs/2
  • omrs/3
  • omrs/4
  • omrs/5
  • Should we separate privileges from Dev Stages?
  • Dev Stages represent skill set
  • Process
  • Meeting for reviewing Dev Stage assignments
  • Shared list of proposed changes
  • Open conversation
  • Clear criteria (will evolve)
  • Meeting to review Dev Stage process
  • What needs to change?
  • What should be done better?
  • Burke Mamlin will separate engagement from dev stages, making a proposal for Community Engagement stages

  •   Daniel Kayiwa will lead an initial dev stage assignment discussion

  •   Daniel Kayiwa need to answer the question: between meetings, how does someone propose a dev stage reassignment?

  •   Daniel Kayiwa will schedule a future discussion to review Dev Stage process





  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)